Ngo Mi Le Anh


This study investigated opportunities for English language learning outside the classroom among students enrolled in English Language programs at Can Tho University (CTU), Can Tho University of Technology (CTUT), and Tien Giang University (TGU), in Vietnam. The primary goal was to evaluate the extent of student engagement with English outside of class and explore how such activities influence the development of the four core language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Data were gathered through surveys of 60 students, interviews with 12 students, and discussions with 6 lecturers from the School of Foreign Languages at Can Tho University. The findings revealed that students most frequently engaged with English through self-study and participation in language clubs, both of which had a significant positive effect on their language skills, particularly Listening and Speaking. The study also highlighted how extracurricular English learning fostered improved communication skills and enhanced overall academic performance. These results emphasize the crucial role of out-of-class learning opportunities in supporting language skill development, especially for students balancing work with their studies.


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English outside of class, working-studying students, listening skills, speaking skills, self-study

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