Numerous studies have highlighted the strong connection between language learning motivation and the use of learning strategies (e.g., Oxford, 1989; Chamot et al., 1999). This study investigates the level of motivation among students at Long My Continuing Education Center in Hau Giang Province, in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, in learning English, as well as the strategies they employ. Also, it explores the correlation between their motivation and strategy use. Using a descriptive research approach, the study surveyed 70 of 10th-Grade students from the Center. Data were collected through a Motivation questionnaire (adapted from Schmidt et al., 1996) and a Strategy Use questionnaire (adapted from Oxford, 1990). The results indicated that the students’ motivation was generally high, with extrinsic motivation significantly surpassing intrinsic motivation, which remained at an average level. Regarding strategy use, students applied learning strategies at an average level. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between their motivation and the strategies they used. Based on these findings, the study offers several practical recommendations aimed at enhancing both students' motivation and strategy use, ultimately improving their English language learning outcomes.
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