In this study, it was examined whether the WISC-R test scores of gifted children differ according to their area of special ability or not. The sample group of the study was selected from 5 different cities and was comprised of a total of 237 gifted children with 48,9 % girls (n=116) and 51,1 % boys (n=121). The class level of the children varies between 4th and 11th grades. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze whether there are statistically significant differences between the ability areas of gifted children or not according to their WISC-R intelligence scale scores. In case of a difference, post-hoc tests were carried out for determining the groups with the difference. The accepted level of significance was 0,05. Study results put forth that the intelligence scores of gifted children varied according to their individual ability areas of performance.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1024
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