Leadership is considered to be significant for the success of any institution. The present study focused on Enhancing Leadership Development in Ghanaian Senior Secondary Schools. The study employed an exploratory analysis research which was qualitative in nature. Sample included principals, teachers, administrative staffs and some workers from the Ministry of Education. Purposive sampling procedure was employed. Data were collected through semi-structured interview protocols. An interpretive approach was used to analyze the data and generate meaning and conclusions. The following findings were observed; some of the leadership challenges faced by principals in the Ghanaian senior high schools include financial challenges, inadequate logistics, and lack of infrastructure, indiscipline among students, unskilled / uncooperative personnel, and lack of motivation. Some of the requisite leadership skills observed were communication, managerial, instructional and social skills. It was further observed that the modes for leadership development capability included In-service training, mentoring, coaching, feedback, seminar and workshop. Both theoretical and practical content was observed for the approaches employed in leadership development delivery. Finally, with regards to support, it was observed that some of the schools had to generate their own internal support due to inadequate or no support coming from the governmental level. The study concluded that given the importance of educational leadership, the development of effective leaders should be a deliberate process designed to produce the best possible leadership for schools and colleges. In this view, it was recommended that a continuous leadership development program of activities which focus on recruitment of candidates from preparation level to succession level. It was further recommended that Senior High Schools in Ghana should organize in-service training to cover need and context and also ensure suitable variety modes for effective training through a broad body of knowledge supported by practices that identify the content, design and methods of effective programs.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1030
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