The present study primarily aims at exploring possibility and utilization of technologies and media into English Writing class in a university at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Technologies include: computers, laptops, mobiles etc. while media include Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. In addition, importance and use of blackboard as education software has been studied. The study is basically based on a survey especially students and teacher’s observation and experience. The study is basically of qualitative type. The findings reveal that both learners and instructors exploit technologies, media, platforms and apps in order to learn writing in English. Both teachers and the students bear quite positive attitude regarding utilization and impact of various technologies, media and apps to learn how to write in English. It was also found that technology utilization basically depends on the awareness, skills and teacher’s preparedness. It is very important to be appropriately trained in the technology to make teaching more interesting and effective to develop proper attitude among the target learners towards achieving the targets of writing in English.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1052
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