Sinan Muhammet Bekmezci, Özlem Ateş


The purpose of this research is to identify the problems that teachers have experienced during the implementation of the science curriculum and their suggestions for solution to these problems. In the research, survey model has been used among the descriptive research methods in which quantitative and qualitative data have been used together. The sample of the research consists of science teachers (n=208) and classroom teachers who deliver science courses (n=104) in Manisa province. A questionnaire form and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers have been used as data collection tools. For quantitative data, percentage and frequency values have been analysed and for qualitative data, content analysis have been performed. As a result of the analyses the problems encountered in the implementation of the curriculum have been examined in three different categories namely; teacher-related problems, curriculum-related problems and other problems. According to the results of the questionnaire, most of the teachers think that they confront with problems because they do not see themselves sufficient in terms of designing/evaluating a project, designing an experiment and creating an activity. In terms of the program, the majority of teachers think that they encounter with problems as there is not enough information about the implementation of the inquiry-based learning approach and not enough examples and explanations for the learning outcomes. In addition, nearly half of the teachers’ state that they have problems with the use of alternative assessment tools and techniques in the program. Regarding other problems; the insufficient content of the course book, lack of materials, lack of adequate support from parents, and technological inadequacies are among the problems most of the teachers have experienced. Similarly, when the results of interviews have been examined; materials, laboratories, and the inadequacy of the course book are among the most frequently mentioned problems. When the survey results of teachers' suggestions for solution have been examined; putting more emphasis on teachers’ views in the process of curriculum development, revision of curricula of education faculties oriented to the changes in curriculum, preparation of flexible curricula according to students’ needs, improvement of technological infrastructure of schools and classes, preparation of guidebooks for teachers, raising the knowledge levels of parents about the instruction program, providing an in-service training for designing experiments/projects are among the most frequently selected recommendations from teachers. When the interview results have been examined, it has been seen that most of the suggestions are about increasing the number and quality of in-service trainings and increasing the quality of laboratory and material facilities and textbooks. Since the newly announced science curriculum will be gradually implemented as of 2017-2018 academic year, it is expected that the results of the study will contribute to the field in terms of the problems and solution suggestions for the current curriculum, the program development and update studies, the contents of in-service trainings and comparison of the curricula.


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science education, curriculum, science course curriculum, teachers’ views, problems and solutions


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