This paper reviews literature on the role of technology integration in education and illustrates how integration of technology in learning could transform teacher education by equipping teacher trainees with the skills that enable them to transform learners into empowered and ethical citizens who effectively contribute to sustainable development. Technology integration in education is crucial because the youth today are growing in an environment where they are interacting with various forms of technology and their operations. Integrating technology in their learning is therefore likely to offer them motivation and curiosity to learn as the learning is in the context of their daily experience, thus meaningful. The review is done with a view to making recommendations on how teacher training institutions could support curriculum delivery with mobile technologies in order to set the pace for other learning institutions on the need to provide learners with holistic quality education that meets the needs of today’s dynamic global society. Integration is critical because technology is the major key driver of the 21st century skills (including communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving and innovation), which has revolutionized education, making it accessible anytime and at any place. This paper will focus on the benefits accrued by employing technology to shift teaching from the formal education knowledge production model to a more engaging and collaborative model that is competence based. It is hoped that this review will shed light on the need to reform teacher training curricula content and scope, objectives, teaching methods and resources to ensure that the programme produces teachers who are well equipped with skill that enable them to effectively develop learners with skills that enhance their contribution to the development agenda of the society.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1083
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