In this study researchers aim to develop a valid and reliable talent management scale for educational organizations. For this aim the sample of the study involves 784 principals, vice principals and teachers who work in different schools and provinces in Istanbul in 2014-2015 academic year. Data was analyzed in eight steps by using quantitative methods; a) explanatory factor analysis for unidimensionality of each of the factors; b) exploratory factor analysis for providing two dimensional factor structures; c) exploratory factor analysis for all factors to provide six dimensional factor structure; d) confirmatory factor analysis for each single factor; e) confirmatory factor analysis for six dimensional model; f) evaluating discriminant validity of the scale; g) assessing Cronbach alpha and Omega coefficients for the reliability; h) and providing measurement invariance into subsamples. All of these stages’ results showed that this talent management scale for educational organization is valid and reliable.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1113
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