The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy and perfectionism and the predictive role of perfectionism on self-efficacy. The sample consisted of 173 (104 females; 69 males) pre-service teachers who study at the Fine Arts Education Department, Music Education Program of the Faculties of Education in Mugla Sıtkı Kocman and Pamukkale Universities. The data were collected by using the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and General Self-Efficacy Scale-Turkish Form. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was employed to search for relationships between self-efficacy and dimensions of perfectionism; multiple hierarchical regression analysis was also used for explaining self-efficacy. Concern over mistakes, personal standards, parental expectations, parental criticism, and doubts about actions, and organization dimensions of perfectionism were found to be significantly correlated to self-efficacy. A significant impact of concern over mistakes, personal standards, parental expectations, parental criticism, doubts about actions, and organization dimensions of perfectionism on self-efficacy was detected. The theoretical implications of the link between self-efficacy and perfectionism are discussed.
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