In the last decade, the government of Kenya has emphasized the provision of education as a leading policy initiative. As a result, the government instituted the Free Primary Education (FPE) in the year 2003, which resulted in high enrolment of the pupils at the Primary level. However, costly school fees were found to be a major reason that the vast majority of primary graduates could not attend Secondary schools because their families could not afford the cost. The provision of Subsidized Secondary Education (SSE) is very important in Kenya given that the country is a low income one. SSE policy was launched in 2008 with an aim of ensuring that all primary pupils from class eight are able to continue well with secondary education. There are limited studies on the SSE programme currently and it is against this background that this study sought to shed more light on the programme. The purpose of this study was to establish factors influencing implementation of SSE policy on access and retention of education in public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. The study aimed at establishing the factors that influence effective implementation of free secondary education in public schools in Buret Sub-County, in Kericho County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population was the school Principals/Deputy Principals, Teachers, Sub-County Director of Education, District Quality Assurance and Standard Officer. Simple random, systematic and stratified sampling procedures were used. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected from the study. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics after data cleaning and coding. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequency counts, means and percentages while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. Results of data analysis were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar graphs and pie charts. SPSS program was used in the analysis. The findings show that the major challenges facing implementation of FSE includes; Delay in disbursing the SSE funds, over enrolment of students leading to strained physical facilities, inadequate facilities, lack of funds from the government for expansion, acute teacher shortage, poor cost sharing strategies. Key intervention measures for mitigating the identified challenges includes; Government to release funds in good time to avoid straining relations between suppliers and schools management, increasing bursaries support from M.O.E, NGOS, CDF for continuing students, providing clear policy on fund disbursement and increasing FSE allocation per student among others.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Joyce Chirchir, Hellen Sang, Eric Mibei

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