In Kenya, TVET programmes in technical institutes of science and technology usually target the population of students who do not progress to secondary school and higher levels of education. However, while the number of students in schools continues to increase due to population growth, the number of school leavers enrolling in technical institutes of science and technology for various career courses has remained low over the years. This paper is a report of a study whose objective was to determine whether and how awareness and institutional accessibility influenced the choice of training by students in technical institutes of science and technology in Bungoma County in Kenya. The study was guided by social cognitive career theory of 1994 as posited by Lent, Brown and Hackett. A mixed methods methodology and descriptive survey research design guided the study. Purposive, stratified and simple random techniques were employed to select the research sample. The sample comprised of students pursuing Artisan Certificate and Diploma levels of training. A sample size of 291 students from a population of 1124 was used. The data was collected using questionnaires whose reliability and validity was tested and determined. Descriptive statistics was used in data analysis with the help of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) programme. The results indicated that students were aware of TVET institutions but were unaware of the courses offered and the entry requirements. These could be among the factors contributing to low enrolment in TVET institutions in the region. Most of the TVET institutions in Bungoma County were accessible by the students. The study recommended that the TVET institutions should advertise their courses more especially by sending their brochures to primary and secondary schools.
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