Modern technology has hit the world with a bug and Kenya has not been spared. Modern technology devices and applications use has gone up tremendously in last ten years with the adoption by both the young and the old growing day by day. People have incorporated technology in the way they communicate, entertain, learn and even how they socially relate with one another. Such a massive technology has brought with it challenges and opportunities. This study was aimed at critically analyzing impacts of the modern technology on the students’ social relationship in Kenyan schools. The researchers therefore sought to critically analyze the use of modern technology, the attitude of the students towards modern technology and the pros and cons of modern technology on students’ social relationships in Kenyan schools. The methodology used was qualitative in nature. The study also employed critical analysis design which was non-interactive, where the researchers analyzed critically the available literature to back up the methodology. The finding of the study may be of great importance to all students since they may be made aware of how modern technology impacts on their social relationships. The study concluded that technology needs to be backed by face- to- face interaction in order to establish and maintain strong and meaningful social relationships. The study had the following recommendations: That students should strike a balance between times spend interacting with technology and face- to- face interactions with friends and families. Teachers should provide opportunities that allow more interactions among students on face-to-face basis in order to encourage development of social and communication skills. The ministry of education in Kenya to introduce or incorporate the teaching on proper use of technology in enhancing social relationships in the curriculum
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Copyright (c) 2018 Joseph Muema Kalungu, Ruth W. Thinguri
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