The overall purpose of this study was to identify teachers’ views about types and causes of students’ undesirable behaviours and the techniques they use to cope up with. This study is qualitative in nature, and in the pattern of a holistic multiple case study. To identify the schools, the researchers used convenience sampling technique. The work group was determined using maximum variable sampling. As a result, the working group consisted of four participants from Turkish school and four from Ethiopian school. The data were collected be a semi-structured questionnaire interviewing the participants face to face. The data were analysed by the help of computer program called Nvivo using content analysis technique. The observed behaviours common to both schools were being late, cheating, not doing the given tasks, talking without permission during the lesson, hyperactivity and lack of attention, complaining about their teacher to family, not paying attention to personal hygiene and being rude. On the other hand, In Ethiopia, attaching nickname to friends, picking up and leaving the class in the middle of lesson, eating and drinking at the wrong time, insulting and not sitting properly; in Turkey producing a variety of excuses and complaints, silence, selfishness, naughtiness, swearing, lack of interest in cultural activities and theatre play, smoking cigarettes secretly were undesirable behaviours determined peculiar to each culture. A close, positive and supportive relationship between all school stakeholders is essential for developing a mutual relationship of respect and for managing undesirable behaviours successfully.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1203
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