Gökhan Demircioğlu, Esra Atabay


Purpose: This study aims to identify the effect of factors including homework assignment given within semesters, class attendance and the type of high school graduated on vocational college students’ academic achievements in the Corporate Accounting course.

Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine the sample’ understanding level on the topic of stock corporations which is a subtopic in Corporate Accounting course, a test consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions was prepared by the researchers. The reliability of the test was determined as 0.84 by using the formula “KR-20”. Causal - comparative research design was used in scope of the study. The data obtained was analyzed by using independent samples t-test, ANOVA and regression.

Findings: Upon the analyses carried out, it was found out that academic achievement varies depending on the homework assignment given within the period and class attendance hours of the student. When the joint effect of the factors on academic achievement was examined, it was seen that only the homework assignment factor has a significant effect.

Research limitations/implications: This study only examined the Corporate Accounting course which is studied by the students of Accounting and Tax Applications Department in one vocational college in Turkey. In this study, used variables that are thought to be related with the academic achievement and on which unbiased data can be collected were preferred.

Originality/Value: In the studies so far, the effects of the related variables on academic achievement have been examined one by one. This study determines the common effect of multiple variables used in this study called homework assignment, class attendance and the type of high school graduated on academic achievement. In this way, it will be possible to learn the variables that are more influential on academic achievement within a single study.


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vocational college, academic achievement, class attendance, homework assignment


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1293


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