The aim of this study was to revise Goal Commitment Scale, developed by Hollenbeck, Williams and Klein (1989) with 9 items, revised by Klein, Wesson, Hollenbeck and Wright (2001) to 5 items and adapted to Turkish by Şenel and Yıldız (2016) to measure commitment to team goals and analyze validation and reliability in a sample including athletes. The Turkish version of the 5-item Goal Commitment Scale was revised by taking expert opinion to measure commitment to team goals. The Revised form was sent to at least 2-year licensed athletes on the Internet, and data was collected from 400 athletes. The data were examined and 25 improper data were excluded. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS by using Exploratory Factor Analysis and in AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) program by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results showed that the revised commitment scale that measures commitment to team goals could be used for samples including athletes.
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