This study aims to reveal the relationship between the levels of sportspersonship and narcissism of athletes. The sample of the study was selected by 33 football players, 36 volleyball players, 40 handball players and 30 basketball players who already ranked among the top three athletes in Turkish Championships. Narcissistic Personality Inventory and Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientation Scale were used as a collection tool in the study. Portable IBM SPSS Statistics v20 software package was also used to analyze the data. The descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data, a correlation analysis was used to determine the severity and direction of the relationship between variables and regression analysis was used to reveal cause-effect relationship between the variables. As a result of the correlation analysis carried out, it was determined that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between an athlete’s narcissism score, and respect for opponents and respect for social convention.
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