Taha Yazar, Behçet Oral, İsmail Keskin


The purpose of this research is to examine the devoted teachers' devoted teacher perceptions. For this purpose, according to the perceptions of teachers in a sense the answer was sought for the question "who is devoted teachers". The research is expected to contribute to the literature in this respect. In this research, screening method was used. In research it was tried to be revealed as the teachers' perceptions of devoted teaching. The universe of the research was composed of teachers working in secondary school and high school. The sample consisted of 355 teachers working in secondary and high school. The research data were collected during the 2016-2017 academic year spring semester. A devoted teacher scale developed by the researchers was used in the research. The scale consists of 37 items with one factor. According to the findings of the research, teachers' devoted teaching perceptions are "always" at the level of 4.29. Teachers' perceptions of devoted teaching do not make a meaningful difference in terms of gender, educational status, branch, school, and graduated faculty. However, teachers 'perceptions of devoted teachers vary according to seniority, and according to seniority variable, devoted teachers' perceptions differ significantly. According to the results of the research, teachers perceive themselves as devoted at the "always" level.  


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teacher, devoted teacher, responsibility

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