The research was conducted to determine the effect of time management styles and academic achievement of time management on the students in sports sciences. The universe of the research is 950 students studying at Physical Education and Sports High School, Physical Education and Sports Training, Sports Management and Coaching Education Department of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. The sample group consists of 317 students selected by random sample method from these students. Survey data were obtained by questionnaire method. The clearness, coverage and reliability of the questionnaire developed for the purpose have been provided. The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.74. The questionnaires were applied to sample group interviewing one to one by random sampling method. A total of 317 individuals, 99 female and 218 male, responded to the questionnaire. Chi-Square (X2) test procedures to determine the differences between the variables and the frequency (%), crosstabs as statistical process were applied. In determining the differences between the variables, it was accepted as 0.05 confidence interval. According to the obtained data, it was determined that the participants were not enough to plan the work and time they would usually do and we can say that they spend their time with tasks that are not worth their benefit, and that planning their time has a positive effect on academic success. There is no statistically significant remark difference in gender variability and time management and planning (P> 0,05).
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