The research centers on examining probable pedagogical implications of film elements as viable innovative writing catalysts over the whole film in terms of materials’ authenticity, materials design, multimedia principles and conceivable tasks components reinforced by related-conducted researches. It is supposed that film elements’ utilization fundamentally needs practical and sanctioned assessment. The study demonstrated interests to the subsequent enquiries: What are the pedagogical implications of films and their elements in language instructions? What are the film elements-inspired writing tasks? How are they administered in the classrooms? Do they conform to input authenticity, materials design and multimedia standards? Do these principles sustain the writing tasks? What are other research standards that support the writing tasks? What are the significant components of these writing activities and how do they support writing viabilities? It is perceived that when authenticity, materials design and multimedia principles are incorporated in creating writing tasks from film elements, said instructions can be linguistically and technologically rewarding. An empirical investigation through survey of teachers’ practices of materials design standards towards the development of writing tasks alongside teachers and students technological skills’ involvement is suggested. Similarly, this paper warrants quantitative studies on how teachers asses writing viabilities through authenticity, materials design and multimedia principles using film elements as crucial variables.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1456
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