This study aimed to adapt to Turkish the measurement of work-leisure conflict developed by Tsaur et al. (2012) to measure work-leisure conflict and to present the causes and dimensions of the conflict and to develop a new study-leisure conflict scale for university students based on the items of this scale and to undertake reliability and validity studies for the new measure. A total of 306 students took part in the study. First of all, “Measurement of Work-Leisure”, the foundation for this study, was translated into Turkish in order to ensure linguistic equivalence. Validity was investigated by using explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses. Reliability was calculated by utilizing Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient, split halves method and Guttman reliability coefficient. Statistical results obtained from the study show that the adapted Turkish version of the scale was a valid and reliable measurement instrument.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1473
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