The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of the organizational identification level and the organizational creativity perception level of the personnel of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Istanbul Sports Events and Trade Management Incorporated Company (Sport Istanbul). In line with the aim of the study, the personnel of Sport Istanbul has constituted the population of the study, and volunteer participants determined by simple random sampling method (n=285) have constituted the sample of the same. Survey method has been applied as the data collection tool. The participants have been applied a personal information form; the organizational identification scale developed by Ashforth (1992), Turkish transcription and validity and reliability study of which have been carried out by Polat (2009) and the organizational creativity scale developed by Balay (2010). Data obtained have been recorded by the package software "IBM SPSS 22". Spearman Correlation and Regression Analysis has been applied as the statistical process. In conclusion, it has been found that the organizational identification and organizational creativity perceptions of the personnel of Sport Istanbul are at a good level, there is a moderate positive relationship between the organizational identification level and the organizational creativity perception level, and that the organizational identification affects the organizational creativity perception level positively. It may be thought that such situation results from personnel selection methods of the institution; adoption of the organizational vision and mission by the personnel; selection of personnel suitable for related job descriptions; utilization of the personnel’s capability, thoughts and characteristics, and the personnel’s being in touch with managers in production of sport service.
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