The responsibilities of the School-Based Management Committee (SBMC) include to ensure effective utilization of physical resources and to promote transparency, probity and accountability in school finances. This function becomes more critical in this period of economic recession in Nigeria. This study sought and established the extent of the School-Based Management Committees’ promotion of accountability and proper utilization of physical resources in the public secondary schools in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State. The survey research method was adopted. Two (2) research questions guided the study, while two (2) hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significance level. The population of the study was 362; comprising 330 teachers, 16 community leaders and 16 principals, from which a sample of 236 (220 teachers, 8 principals and 8 community leaders) was drawn through simple random sampling technique. A 10- item Questionnaire, duly validated was used for collection of data. Data collected were analysed using mean score to answer the research questions and ANOVA to test the hypotheses. The study established among other things, that the SBMCs in Anaocha Local Government Area to a low extent contribute to ensuring proper utilization of physical resources, but to a high extent promote financial accountability in the use of school financial resources. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among other things, that the government should intensify sensitization programmes to enlighten the SBMC members and stakeholders on the important roles and responsibilities of the community in proper resource management for students’ improved academic performance.
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Copyright (c) 2018 V. N. Eboatu, Carol Obiageli Ezeugbor, Joseph Arinze Golu

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