This research dealt with measuring and describing sources and factors of stress and burnout among lecturers and pedagogical instructors in colleges of education, the research wished to examine the connection between personal characteristics and professional variables of lecturers and pedagogical instructors with the sources of stress, the sense of burnout and the general sense of stress. For this purpose, we have sampled lecturers and pedagogical instructors teaching in collages of education. In order to describe the sources and factors of stress and to measure the general sense of stress and the sense of burnout structured questionnaires (Zidan, 2011) were used, with extension for the present research. The original questionnaires are valid and credible and they were used in previous studies, but were adjusted to the subject and population of the current research. The importance of the research stems from that it is a pioneer and unique study both locally and globally. The importance of the study also stems from its attempt to validate a questionnaire of stress and burnout among lecturers and pedagogical instructors. The main findings indicated that the ten most stressful sources for instructors of collages are: Crowded classrooms; Inappropriate wages; A student level that does not match my expectations; Unmotivated students; Contempt of students in times of classroom tasks; Behavioral problems of students (noise and interference of students in the teaching environment, inappropriate behavior); An uncomfortable working environment; Lack of study spaces; Multiple student delays and absences; Lack of respect for the teacher by the students. Furthermore, it was found that the level of burnout among colleges teachers is below mediocre and that there is a strong and distinct positive connection between the level of stress and the level of burnout among colleges teachers, meaning, the more that the degree of stress and the sense of stress caused by various sources among colleges teachers rises, the level of burnout arises as well.
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