İsmail Çoban, Faruk Polatcan


This study has been conducted to examine the views of prospective Turkish language teachers on peer assessment. For this research, 47 prospective Turkish language teachers who are junior student (3rd grade) in Department of Turkish Language of Atatürk University have participated in this study. Views of prospective teachers on peer assessment have been compiled by means of structured interview form. The obtained data has been interpreted by applying content analysis method with considering the questions of interview form. In the study, it has been understood that many of the prospective teachers have positive views on peer assessment. Prospective teachers have stated that they realize their inadequate aspects, they can empathize, a democratic environment has developed, there has been increase in their self-confidence, they can get feedback and socialize through peer assessment. Despite these positive aspects, the prospective teachers have emphasized that acting upon emotions and lack of self-confidence are the negative aspects of peer assessment


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prospective Turkish language teachers, peer assessment, Turkish language education

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