Mella Wahyulina, A. Abdullah, Muhammad Zaini


Education is one form of dynamic and developing human civilization. The development of education is a must happened thing, in line with the change of cultural life. This research is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of developed lesson plan instruments. The development research method used in this research is based on Tessmer model, which consists of: 1) self-evaluation; 2) expert review; 3) one-to-one; 4) small group; and 5) field test. The subject of the research is 24 students of VIII A grade of MTsN 1 Tanah Laut. The effectiveness is determined from cognitive study result, critical thinking skill, behavior assessment, social skill assessment, and student activity. The result of this research shows that the lesson plan instrument is effective in use based on good students’ accomplishment on cognitive learning, very well critical thinking skill, good result of behavior assessment, good social skills, and good students’ activity.


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lesson plan instruments, digestive system, inquiry

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