The aim of this study is to measure the loneliness levels of footballers in amateur football clubs in Gaziantep and to examine their sub dimensions according to the variables of "emotional deprivation" and "social friend poverty". The universe of the research is composed of 1672 active amateur soccer players in the province of Gaziantep. The sample of the research is composed of 328 soccer players selected by chance. A validity and reliability study were conducted with reference to "Loneliness at Work Scale". A total of 328 athletes participated in the survey, 77 females and 251 males. It was accepted that the normality test result Kolmogorov Smirnov (P <0.001) did not show a normal distribution and the normal distribution of skewness kurtosis values between -1.5 and +1.5 was used to measure hypotheses with appropriate statistical methods. The homogeneity of the variances was measured by the Levene Statistic Test. Independent T-Test, OneWay ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison statistical methods were used for the independent variables that met the hypothesis by testing the sub-dimensions of the scale separately. Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to dependent variables that did not meet homogeneity of variance. The Cronbach alpha value of the validity and reliability of the study is 0,701. At the end of the study, it was determined that there were significant differences in loneliness and sub-dimensions of some variables belonging to participant. In the light of these results, it has been concluded that footballers have loneliness due to their personal life differences and that coaches and managers should have more space for enhancing their family ties and enhancing their sense of belonging among the footballers.
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