Clinical supervision is a process of facilitating the professional growth of a teacher, primarily by observing teacher’s instructional practices, giving the teacher the feedback about classroom interactions and helping the teacher make use of that feedback to make teaching more effective. Its effectiveness depends on the competences of the supervisors that carry it out. This study assessed the curriculum competencies manifested by private and public secondary school administrators in Anambra State during clinical supervision. The study was guided by two research questions and one null hypothesis. Sample involved 1,378 respondents (comprising 962 public and 416 private school staff respectively) selected through the multistage procedure. Data was collected through a researcher-developed questionnaire containing 10 items each on a 4-point scale. Mean scores were used to answer the research questions, while the t-test was used in testing the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings indicated that public and private secondary school administrators in Anambra State secondary schools manifested only a few out of the variety of curriculum competencies for effective clinical supervision. The manifestations of these clinical supervision competencies were higher in private than in public schools. However, both administrators manifested limited clinical supervision competencies. By implication, this situation has the potential of hindering effective instructional supervision of public and private secondary schools in the State. Based on the findings and implication, it was recommended among other things that the public and private secondary school administrators should give emphasis to and seek avenues for significant improvements in their teaching, human relations, resource management and evaluation competencies. Reading professional journals, peer mentoring, and participating in professional conferences and seminars would help them to improve their clinical supervision competencies.
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