This paper deals with the effectiveness of the lecture method of teaching at university in improving students’ linguistic and academic skills. Research on English language teaching at universities and colleges in Oman reveal that a high rate of students who finish secondary schools and join higher education institutions could face difficulties in using the English language to meet their personal, social, academic, and career needs efficiently and appropriately. Lectures are popular among university academics for some reasons such as that they are economical in terms of planning, flexible as they can be applied to most content areas and also simple to implement in class. On the other hand, critics argue that lecturing is principally a one-way method of communication that does not involve significant students’ participation. The objectives of this research study are to find out students’ views and opinions of the use of the lecture method in teaching English as well as its strengths and weaknesses. The findings showed that although majority of respondents indicated that they had learned a lot from the lecture material, a number of respondents refer to the lack of motivation to participate during the lecture. Meanwhile, few indicated that there is an opportunity to interact during the lecture although the lecturer is the only authority as he dictates his points of view in class. The implications could be that some lecturers at university may find it the right time for them to accept the fact that actual participation of students in their learning is a significant practice to achieve the goals set by their educational institutions. It certainly does not affect the role of the lecturer as an educator and leader. On the contrary, it could create an active and enjoyable atmosphere for exchanging knowledge and improving skills.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Khalid Abdulbaki, Muhamad Suhaimi, Muhamad Suhaimi, Asmaa Alsaqqaf, Asmaa Alsaqqaf, Wafa Jawad, Wafa Jawad

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