This paper highlights educators’ innovativeness as digital participants and facilitators adapting themselves in current global educational changes as upshots of technological fusion that influences instructional variation for learners’ real–world. It is perceived that teachers’ flexibility to evolving trends in current instructions is crucial. It is fundamentally a structured expository concept on teachers and students’ development reinforced by theories and researches’ investigated outcomes toward the challenges of emerging pedagogic phenomena sustained by model project- tasks designed for innovative, collaborative and digital literacy participations. This inquisition attempts to respond to the succeeding inquiries: Why do educators innovate in the 21st century? Is professional development necessary to situate contemporary learning? What are the roles of technology and digital literacy for innovative and collaborative instructions? What are the features of digital literacy and digital participations and how do participants pragmatically engage? What are some collaborative and innovative projects that define digital participations? Are these tasks sustained by current and duly sanctioned educational principles and frameworks? Do these tasks conform to the scope of integrated digital literacy taxonomy framework? Do the framework and principles produce practical assessment of outcomes to improve future project-based tasks? An empirical investigation is recommended to test the significance and correlation among students’ project performance towards their attitudes and efficacy on digital literacy.
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