The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of care givers on the influence of appreciative project design orientation on the educational achievements of orphaned learners enrolled in orphan support projects in Homa County, Kenya. The cross-sectional study was grounded on pragmatism. A total of 363 care givers participated in the study. Care Givers’ Survey Questionnaire was used to collect data. To ensure validity and reliability of the research instrument, pilot testing was conducted in a community based orphan support project in the neigbouring Kisumu County. Cronbach alpha at α =0.05 level of significance was used to compute the reliability coefficient of the pre-test instruments. Simple, multiple linear regressions and Pearson Correlation Coefficient models were used. Tests of statistical assumptions were carried out before data analysis to avoid invalidation of statistical analysis. One hypothesis was tested at α=.05 level of significance. The null hypothesis (H01: Appreciative Project Design Orientation does not significantly influence Orphaned Learners’ Educational Achievements in Homa Bay County) was rejected since (F(10,353)= 11.1945.265, P –Value <0.05; and so it was safe to suggest that at least one of the explanatory variables is significantly related to the Orphaned Learners’ Educational Achievements. It is recommended that orphan support projects should integrate and intensify the use of appreciative project design orientation approaches to ensure sustainable educational achievements for orphaned learners. Since this study delimited itself to orphaned learners’ educational achievements, further research should be carried out to examine the extent to which appreciative project design orientation influence the educational achievements of orphaned learners’ test scores in examinable subjects.
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