Kürşad Çağrı Bozkırlı, Onur Er


The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher views on improving the speaking skills of Syrian students. It is a case study which was designed with a qualitative approach. In the scope of the study, semi-structured interview forms were used to obtain the views of teachers who teach Syrian students Turkish on improvement of the speaking skills of the students (reaching goals and targeted outcomes by teachers, including speaking activities, application of methods and techniques related to speaking, usage of instruction tools and materials for speaking). The sample of the study consisted of 43 teachers who agreed to take part in the study voluntarily. Convenience sampling was employed in the study. As a result of the study, it was determined that most teachers had problems in reaching goals and targeted outcomes related to speaking, they included speaking activities infrequently, and they could not use methods and techniques for speaking as they did not have sufficient knowledge of such methods and techniques.


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speaking, teaching Syrians Turkish, teacher views, qualitative study

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