In this research, self, peer and teacher assessment applications were carried out in a science education course included in the teacher education programme. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of relationship between self, peer and teacher assessment. Another aim of the study was to analyze whether there was reciprocity bias in these assessments. In the research, the pre-service science teachers (203 participants in total) assessed themselves and their peers in terms of presentation skills in higher education. The research is a quantitative research that employs descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Self-assessment and peer assessment scores showed moderately high correlations with teacher scores but both were higher than teacher scores. The analyses of reciprocity bias level demonstrated that the scores received or assigned by peers were almost unaffected by bias. On the basis of all these results, it could be argued that self-assessment and peer assessment applications can be used to evaluate presentation skills in teacher education programmes or different tasks in other areas in higher education.
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