Susan M. Macharia


School guidance and counselling plays a critical role in the development of learners’ wellbeing without which effective learning may not take place. This paper reports the findings of a study done in Nairobi County to ascertain students’ preferences of a help-giver. Nelson Le-Gall’s theory of help seeking was selected as the key theoretical perspective to anchor the study. The survey design was adopted for the study and a stratified random strategy used to draw a sample from form two students in public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The questionnaire comprising Likert-type items was the main research tool. Validity of the items was established by checking on the extent to which the items were aligned to the construct of interest while reliability was done using the split half technique. The study found that students in Public secondary schools in Nairobi County expressed experiencing concerns related to response to assignments and study habits for which counseling was sought. The students were least likely to share their concerns with teachers but preferred peers with whom they had much in common. Further, the study revealed that students would rather live without sharing their issues with teacher-counselors or other adults in the school. The study recommends the training of peer counselors in public secondary schools in Nairobi as a strategy to improve learner’s health and personal effectiveness.


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help-giver, student preferences, wellbeing, guidance and counseling

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