In this study, it was aimed to determine the views of graduate students on mathematics learning with dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra. Case study method was used in qualitative research patterns. The study group consists of 7 graduate students who were doing their degrees at the Education Faculty of a state university in Turkey. Data were collected with observations, models on the GeoGebra screen made by the students, dynamic worksheets and a semi-structured questionnaire consisting of open and closed ended questions developed by the researcher. The findings show that “visualisation”, “ease of use”, “motivation”, “rich content”, “competence”, “conceptual learning” and “algebraic thinking” are the themes in the competence of the learning environment created by GeoGebra. In particular, “visualization”, “ease of use” and “rich content” themes play a key role in the clarity of “motivation” theme. In addition, the construction protocol and the text tool are effective in gaining the skills of algebraic thinking, while the construction protocol, visualization and concretization features are effective in their conceptual learning. “Simulation” and “content” themes are prominent in the student's views regarding the effective use of GeoGebra in mathematics courses.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1699
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