In this study, the elementary music education textbooks which are published for use in the first stage of elementary education (1st-4th grades) in Turkey were examined in terms of multicultural elements they contain. Student workbooks for each grade were evaluated and analysed using the document review method according to the categories established by the researcher. Following the research, it was determined that the content of the books strongly reflects Turkish national culture. However, with regard to elements that reflect the national culture, it was determined that explanations, photographs and musical works that reflect Turkish folk culture (folklore) were found to be of limited number and considerably insufficient scale. It was noted especially that almost no place was given to different cultural elements regarding multicultural music education. Due to these aspects, it is thought that they are considerably insufficient in presenting a multicultural musical education. In addition to this, it is thought that the findings gained in this study will provide a contribution to the development of elementary music education curriculum and educational materials and the educators who are implementing the courses. Also, it is believed that the research will form the basis for action research on the field.
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