With the purpose of examining and identifying the attainments of novice teachers from in-class, in-school, and out-of-school activities during the process of being a novice teacher, in accordance with the views of novice teachers, mentor teachers, and administrators; this research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological design. The data of the study were collected through semi-structured interviews with 40 novice teachers, 43 mentor teachers and 5 school administrators. Content analysis was done in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it can be said that there are attainments related to teaching-learning process and non-scheduled activities within the scope of in-class applications; attainments related to work and operations of schools, and duties and responsibilities of the school administration within the scope of in-school activities; and as for out-of-school activities, attainments such as familiarization with relevant institutions, organizations and people, acknowledgement of the city culture, and sharing of knowledge and experiences with experienced people stand out as themes.
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