The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the Self-Efficacy in Teaching Principles and Methods Course and Their Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques of Preservice Teachers. In this regard, in line with the aim of the study, correlational research model was used in this study, to examine the relationship between the Self-Efficacy in Teaching Principles and Methods Course and Their Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques of Preservice Teachers. The study group of the research consisted of 412 fourth year preservice teachers preservice teachers studying various majors in the spring semester of 2017-2018 academic year at Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education. In the research in order to collect the quantitative data two data collection tools, namely; “Perception Scale Regarding Competence of Preservice Teachers in Selecting Teaching Techniques” developed by Durdukoca et. al, (2017) and “Teaching Principles and Methods Course Self-Efficacy Scale” developed by Kuzu and Demir (2015). For the analysis, of the data collected, frequency and percentage values and arithmetic mean and standard deviation scores of the scales were calculated and correlation analysis techniques were used. It has been concluded that the preservice teachers’ Perception of Self-Efficacy in Teaching Principles and Methods Course is at “high” level in total. It has also been concluded that perceptions of Basic Concepts Knowledge, Program Development Process Knowledge, Learning-Teaching Approaches Knowledge, Clarification Knowledge, Application Knowledge and Planning Knowledge -among the sub-dimensions of Teaching Principles and Methods Course Self-Efficacy Scale- are at “high” level. It has been concluded that the preservice teachers’ Perception of Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques is at "high” level in total. It has been concluded that among the sub-dimensions of Perception Scale Regarding Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques, the preservice teachers’ perception of positive foresight relevant to selection of technique is at “very high” level, and their perception of negative foresight relevant to selection of technique is at “high” level. There is a positive and moderate level correlation between the preservice teachers' perceptions of Perception of Self-Efficacy in Teaching Principles and Methods Course, and Perception of Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques.
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