The purpose of this study is to examine six sub-dimensions towards motivational, cognitive and metacognitive competencies of middle school students according to the gender and class level variables. As the data collection tool, “Motivational, Cognitive and Metacognitive Competencies Scale” was used. The sample of the research is composed of 366 middle school students and the data were analyzed using SPSS 23. There was a significant relationship between competencies levels and gender in favor of male for the general of scale. Moreover, for the sub-dimensions of the scale according to the gender, a significant relationship in favor of male for organizing the learning process and evaluating the learning process was found. When the motivational, cognitive and metacognitive competencies levels of middle school students were examined separately for each of sub-dimensions, a significant relationship was found according to the grade levels. It was generally observed that students’ motivational, cognitive and metacognitive competencies levels increase as their grade levels increase. However, 5th grade students’ scores were higher than the other grade students’ scores for the learning process sub-dimension.
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