The flow theory with its components ‘anxiety’, ‘boredom’, ‘skills’ and ‘challenges’ can be associated with foreign language learning contexts. Although there are some attempts in several studies to examine the link between EFL context and the flow theory, no scale to measure the flow state in EFL context has been found in the related literature. The study presents the development and validation of the Flow State Scale in English as a Foreign Language Context (FSSEFL). A cross-sectional research design was used in the study. The scale was administered to a total of 438 students at Department of Foreign Languages at a state university in Turkey. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to the data collected from two separate participant groups in the study. The findings suggest that FSSEFL provides a valid and reliable instrument for the flow state in EFL context. The scale has three-factor structure with 10 items. The explained variance of the scale is 71.80% and alpha values are ranged from 0.78 to 0.82.
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