One of the important elements of the education system is teacher and success of the education system is mainly based on the fact that teachers who will run the system have expected competencies. While the process of bringing teachers in competencies expected from them is seen important in the 21st century world, it is also important to run the appointment process of teachers in a healthy way. It is thought that current teacher appointment system of Turkey causes teachers to get concerned and this affects their motivation for teaching adversely. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the concern of teachers for non-appointment and their motivation for teaching. This study was designed in the screening model. Target population of the study is fourth-grade teacher candidates studying Classroom Teaching Department of five different Faculties of Education in Aegean, Black Sea and Marmara Region of Turkey in 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 370 teacher candidates selected by simple random sampling method. In the study, the "Non-Appointment Concern of Classroom Teacher Candidates’" was measured by "Teacher Candidates Non-Appointment Concern scale" developed by Eskici (2016) and the teaching motivation was measured by "Teaching Motivation Scale" adapted to Turkish by Candan and Evin Gencel (2015). Analysis of the research data was done by SPSS v.22 packaged software, and ANOVA and t-test techniques were used. According to the results of the study, non-appointment concern of classroom teacher candidates has been found to be at a moderate level and significant differences have been determined by universities. Although the concern is above moderate level, it has been determined that teacher candidates do not lose their teaching motivation and their teaching motivation points are still above moderate level. In addition, it has been determined that the motivation of teacher candidates varies significantly by universities. There has been no significant difference between genders in both variables. It is believed that this study will contribute to improvement of the 21st century teachers’ competencies and will create an environment of data driven thinking and discussion based on the related variables.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1849
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