The aim of this study is to determine whether mathematics anxiety levels of fourth grade primary school students differs between EEP (Enriched Education Program) implemented class and unapplied class. This study was conducted with totally 30 students who were randomly selected among 4th grade primary school students studying in two private schools depending on the Ministry of Education in Kutahya city centre in 2014-2015 academic years. While EEP (Enriched Education Program) is applied to the experimental group, there has been no application to control group. In the study 2x3 (experimental / control group X pre-test / post-test / screening test) split-plot design was used. In the study in order to collect data, Mathematics Anxiety Scale was applied three times (At different time intervals including when the session began, when completed, and three months after termination) to students in the experimental and control groups. According to the results, children subjected to the EEP program carry a lower mathematics anxiety compared to unapplied peers.
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