The limited material and students’ low thinking skill on science in grade eighth of SMPN 1 Paringin inspire the researcher to compose learning material in the form of module. This research aims to evaluate the quality of Natural Science learning module in grade 8. The research model uses Tessmer model which covers 1) self evaluation, 2) expert review, 3) one-to-one, 4) small group, and 5) field test. The research is conducted in SMPN 1 Paringin academic year 2016/2017. The module effectiveness data covers cognitive learning result, critical thinking skill, good attitude, social skill, and students’ responses. The research result shows that the developed module is effective. The effectiveness is based on some parameters, they are; 1) students’ cognitive learning result is beyond classical accomplishment, 2) students’ critical thinking skill is very good, 3) students’ attitude covering honesty and responsibility is averagely very good, 4) students’ social skill covering cooperation and contributing idea is averagely very good, 5) students’ responses are generally good.
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