Measuring of directly unobservable or latent variables has been a serious concern among researchers engaged in quantitative research in the fields like social sciences, and humanities. This is mainly because of the challenges in quantifying the data related to latent variables. Purpose of this article was to test the reliability of the English version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) developed in Denmark during the PUMA (Danish acronym for Project on Burnout, Motivation and Job Satisfaction) Project in Sri Lankan context with a sample of 180 pre service ESL teachers. The data analysis shows how certain items in the CBI work in a different cultural setting. The overall conclusion was that the English version of the CBI is a reliable tool to measure burnout status of pre service ESL teachers in Sri Lanka.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Darshana Samaraweera, Junainah Abd Hamid, Abdol Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Isuri Dharmaratne

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