The aim of this current research is to identify the effects of the established methods in consolidating between training and procedures and analysing the tasks upon the achievement of female pupils with learning disorders in Maths in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study group was made up of all the children with academic learning disorders in Al Qurayyat.
In order to answer the study questions and investigate its specifications, the averages and standard deviations were extracted for the marks of the sample individuals in the test and control groups upon the resulting test. The results showed that the established method has an effect on consolidating between the training upon the procedures and extracting the results upon the achievement of the female pupils with learning disorders in Maths. The test group showed greater achievement than the control group. Based on the results of the research, recommendations have been proposed, the most important of which were: taking heed of training pupils with the methods before using results analysis for teaching every mathematical skill as numerical skills can be divided based on skills analysis methods; focusing on analysing the areas of strength and weakness and skills that children fail with and then consolidate between the two issues.
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