Rose F. E. Swaka, Charles M. Rambo, Joyce A. Osogo


The study sought to investigate the influence of funding activities as a component of sanitation financing programme on community livelihood in urban informal settlements of Kisumu County, Kenya. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of funding activities on community livelihood in urban informal settlement of Obunga, Kisumu County Kenya. The study adopted inferential analysis and descriptive survey research design with sample size of 384 households and 10 key informants. The study sample was obtained through stratified simple random, and purposive sampling strategies. Quantitative data was analysed using means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages. Qualitative data was transcribed and analysed in emergent themes and sub-themes. Results were interpreted and requisite recommendations made. According to the results, there is a statistically significant positive correlation between funding activities and community livelihood (p < 0.05). Coefficient of determination showed that funding activities accounted for 24.1% of the changes in community livelihood. Findings from the study established that there was statistically significant correlation between funding activities as a component of sanitation financing program and community livelihood. The study recommends the funding activity should be sustained in the sanitation financing program for purposes of improving community livelihood .The study concluded that investing in funding activities of sanitation financing programme in Obunga urban informal settlement of Kisumu County, Kenya has a positive influence on community livelihood. The study calls for further research on the influence of funding activities as a component of sanitation financing program on community livelihood using other predictors of community livelihood as well as influence of sanitation financing program on community livelihood; a comparison between formal and informal urban settlements.


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sanitation financing, funding activities, community livelihood

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