The study aims to examine the best practices of Promoting Positive School Learning Climate among Headteachers of High Performing Primary Schools in Malaysia according to headteachers’ and teachers’ perceptions. The Instructional Management Rating Scale modified by Hallinger and Heck (1996), Latip (2010), and, Surayya (2016) were used as the data collection instrument through survey questionnaire. There were 420 respondents of headteachers and teachers of various genders, ethnicity, type of schools, and, position of responsibilities at schools were participated. The result of the study demonstrated that the best practice was on dimension ‘Developing and Enforcing Academic Standards’ mean 4.4754. The second highest was on dimension ‘Providing Incentives for Learning’ mean 4.3729. Third and Fourth were dimensions ‘Promoting Professional Development’ and ‘Providing Incentives for Teachers’ with mean 4.3049 and 4.2500 respectively. It is hoped that this study will provide useful findings which will effectively assist the process of promoting a positive school learning climate by school leaders and teachers of primary and secondary schools. The study was expected provide significant results that may effectively contribute in the process of promoting a positive school learning climate among headteachers and teachers of primary and secondary schools world-wide. Consequently, facilitate and improve students' academic performance in achieving the first class human capital compatibly excellent nationally and internationally as stipulated in National Philosophy of Education, Vision 2020 and aspiration of the Education Development Plan 2013-2025 Malaysia.
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