In this study, a decision taken by the Ministry of Education of the implementation of school-aged children's cognitive, physical and sensory effects on the development of physical education is aimed to discuss the future of the teaching profession. In 2014, the Ministry of Education took a decision in favor of the gradual abolition of Technical High School, Technical High School, Vocational School, Vocational High School, and Anatolian Vocational High School of Health Physical Education classes. ”Physical exercise is the devil's work" said the Catholic church in the medieval process of physical education and sport for hundreds of years had put bans. With the Enlightenment, these prohibitions began to unravel. In Europe In the beginning of secularization efforts in Europe, it showed itself in sports, science, culture and art. Today, our country in which we have been experiencing it is enough to check it out the relevant articles of the Constitution. It is very clear that abolition of physical education classes in vocational high schools is contrary to the Basic Law of National Education and Constitution. As a result, Abolishing of physical education in vocational courses obesity, inactiveness, and behavior in school-aged youth is a widespread concern. It is very clear that physical education classes in the training program which has been the first underestimated lesson from the first lesson. It reveals the malign perspective of Ministry of Education. By reducing of lesson hours and then abolishing of the courses, physical education teachers will be become stranger to applying the job, expanding of sport activities.
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