The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of student abilities on their learning processes and to determine what kind of students in terms of their abilities were more successful during physics teaching. In this direction, 156 students who took basic physics course in Atatürk University, Faculty of Education, in Departments of Physics, Science, Computer, and Mathematics teaching were included to the research scope. “Self-assessment inventory” that was developed by Kuzgun in 1988 was used to measure students’ abilities. The letter grades and raw scores that were received by students at the end of academic year were considered to determine students’ academic successes. Students’ academic successes were consisted of two exams. First one was a midterm exam that was organized in the middle of the terms and the other was final exam that was organized at the end of the term. The questions that were used in exams were prepared by researcher and reliability of tests was found as α=0,69. Descriptive analysis and correlation test were used for data analysis. As a result, it was found that student abilities affected academic successes and students who had numerical abilities had higher levels of physics successes.
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