Model of Digital Literacy Development for Youths in Bangkok aims to develop digital literacy for youths in Bangkok by manipulating Research and Development with following research tools: 1) a 5-level-rating scale, which collected data from 1,500 participants in the related sample. The result of research shows that the group of samples had medium level of digital literacy and the most answer from them is that students used these ICT devices to play online games with the mean 4.86, while the least answer from them is that students had fundamental knowledge about legality and security of internet usage with the mean 1.20. 2) Evaluation Form for Model Suitability, which collected data from 18 experts with the mean between 4.52-5.00 that showing this model is the most suitable. For the tool of Qualitative research is the record of group discussion, that collected data from 8 related main informants and the conclusion is that overall of model is good, suitable and possible in practice. It can be applied with complete model and no need to be adjusted.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ruthairat Siriwattanarat, Nich Wongsongja, Noppadon Chamchoi, Kittikhun Meethongjan, Weerawich Wongroj

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