The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between aggression, empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion, and to find out whether empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion significantly predict aggression. The sample of study consists of 526 female and 290 male in total 816 students who are studying different faculties in Selcuk University and students are chosen with random sample method. In the study for the personal information of students ‘Personal Information Form’, to determine their aggression scores ‘Aggression Scale’, to specify empathic tendency ‘Empathic Tendency Scale’, to determine their self-compassion ‘Self-compassion Scale’ and also to determine their expression of emotions scores “Expression of emotions Scale have been used. Correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze data. For statistical analysis of data SPSS 15.00 program was used. According to results of study, university students’ empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassions explain their aggressive behavior significantly. There is a negative and significant correlation between aggression and empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion. In regression analysis, empathic tendency, expression of emotions and self-compassion are significant predictors of aggression.
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